A picture of me.


I'm a software developer who graduated in summer 2020 from De Montfort University, obtaining a first in my Computer Science degree. My industry experience includes my current role at Viva IT, which I have been in since August 2020, and a year in industry during my degree at Next PLC working on the eCommerce Payments team.

I also had the opportunity during university to have some of my work published in a fuzzy logic book, a preview of which can be seen here!

I really enjoy learning new things so in my spare time I like to work on projects that let me sharpen my skills, learn something new or just let me have some fun.

I was born and raised in Belfast, Northern Ireland but I'm now based in Leicester, England. When I'm not involved in tech related things, I enjoy amateur photography, video games (mainly MMORPG's, CCG's and Rhythm games), artsy stuff (sewing and polymer clay are my favourites!) and anime.

Check out what anime I'm currently watching below!

Here's a list of my completed and currently in progress projects. The code for the below can all be found on my Github!

Project Description
DayLight My final year project - a mood and habit tracking Android app.
Yugioh Banlist Bot A twitter bot that sends a tweet when the Yugioh TCG banlist has been updated. Account currently not active due to pending rewrite.
Previous Personal Website A website I made to brush up on my basic front-end skills.
To-Do List A to-do list that implements the browsers local storage in order to retain the entered items.